240. Women, Men and Religion

Men find secu­rity in phys­i­cal dom­i­nance. With­out that dom­i­nance most men feel sex­u­ally cas­trated. Lack­ing phys­i­cal dom­i­nance (on the whole) women often seek secu­rity in deceit, or fail­ing that, in magic. Magic is broadly expressed as spir­i­tu­al­ity. Magic, sorted as orga­nized self-delu­sion, then bet­ter, a shared delu­sion, is what we call reli­gion. This reli­gious magic is potent stuff for con­trol­ling human beings, since few are dri­ven by impar­tial evi­dence based think­ing. Per­ceiv­ing the power of reli­gious magic, men hijack the for­mula by force and kick women out of the tem­ple. Thus all reli­gions which pro­gress to gov­ern­ing the lives of cit­i­zens are based on male sex­ual inse­cu­rity sanc­ti­fied by the state. [a ref­er­ence: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/secrets-of-divine-women-exposed-20120407-1wi1j.html ]

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