Habits are efficient (.. decide daily which side to part your hair on?). Habits are restricting (.. do you really need to check Face Book every ten minutes?). Harvesting the tension between efficiency and restriction gives life purpose and direction (.. doesn’t any industry do just that?). An imbalance of habit, out of proportion to real need, becomes a fetish (.. do you really need to carry a lucky charm to that job interview? Will members of X religion really go to Hell if they eat A or drink B? .. do you really need to fantasize about Y to get off on sex?). Shared fetishes may become a cult (.. so do you gather to dance around a tree on moonlit nights? .. are you compelled to gather in a TAB betting shop on Saturday afternoons? ). At a critical mass of members, a cult becomes a religion (.. one believer is a mental case; a million believers are sure they are right). A religion is a social tool which comforts the timid and sanctifies the ambitious. A person both sanctified and ambitious feels no restraint. God or the Party is always on their side of the war. Any atrocity is possible.
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