Category Archives: memory

249. Are You Real, or a Facebook Image?

In a civ­i­lized coun­try the past is an open book and the future is an open oppor­tu­nity. As with coun­tries, so with peo­ple. There are mem­o­ries we laugh about, and things we would rather for­get, but don’t.  If we can … Con­tinue read­ing

Posted in culture, human nature, memory, psychology, values, wisdom | Leave a comment

233. History, False History and Innocence

  “Not to know what hap­pened before you were born is to remain forever a child”. (Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est sem­per esse puerum) [Cicero 46 B.C.]. Hmm. Yet know­ing his­tory falsely, whether falsely given … Con­tinue read­ing

Posted in human nature, memory, power, values | Leave a comment

223. Innovation is not Problem Solving

Inno­va­tion is the habit, or the knack, or find­ing new premises. It is prob­lem quest­ing rather than prob­lem solv­ing. Our best schools and uni­ver­si­ties hone prob­lem solvers of a cer­tain kind. Give the finest grad­u­ates of these places a prob­lem … Con­tinue read­ing

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