Do you trust me? That’s a hard call, isn’t it. Without trust life is not easy. Oxytocin is the brain chemical which gives the feeling of trust. Some people, and maybe some cultures seem more hooked on it than others. (Whether different cultures are dominant for different brain chemicals like this is a really fascinating puzzle). So how far can you trust another person, or institution? It depends on the answers to a lot of questions. If someone understands some things about you, they have at least the foundation of trust. They can decide to trust your skill to kick a football, or reliability to turn up at work on Monday morning. If they don’t understand your thinking at all, they will hesitate to trust you for anything important (sigh, lots and lots of people don’t seem to understand my thinking at all …). In that case, they can only trust from your reputation, and reputations are fragile. In some jobs, like the police force, they are paid to trust nobody. Some people, like doctors, we hope we can trust, but experience might undermine that. In some countries, like Australia, people generally trust the good intentions of the government (though often distrust its competence), and often trust the goodwill of strangers. In some countries, like China, people generally do not trust the intentions of the government, and don’t trust anyone they don’t know well. The general trust between employers and employees seems to have changed quite a lot in my lifetime (or maybe experience has just taught some hard lessons!). Looking back, I have to say that most of my employers have been untrustworthy when it comes to building a future together. Sometimes they didn’t trust me to be cheats like them! Generally the employers, or their agents, have only been interested in some short term advantage, often wrangled by lying, like a bad lover on a one night date. What a pity. Speaking of which, the hardest thing to find of course are good friends to trust in stormy weather.
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