274. Come the Revolution

RevolutionYou talk too much about what you’ve seen and what you think. While the mafia are still in charge of the asy­lum they will find a law to bury you alive (McMil­lan-Scott, Edward MEP (n.d.) “Liu Xiaobo: biog­ra­phy”. Char­ter 08 for reform and democ­racy in China web­site, hosted by the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, online @ http://www.charter08.eu/5.html or Esco­bar, Pepe (August 2, 2013) “Our man in Moscow”. Asia Times, online @ http://www.atimes.com/atimes/World/WOR-01–020813.html ).

Come the rev­o­lu­tion they will kill you first. You are knowl­edge­able, tol­er­ant, polite, polit­i­cally aware. You are a rea­son­able alter­na­tive. Rea­son­able alter­na­tives are a mor­tal threat to rev­o­lu­tions (Barnard, Anne – Novem­ber 30, 2013 – “Syr­ian oppo­si­tion frays as dis­il­lu­sion and exhaus­tion take hold”. Bris­bane Times, online @ http://www.smh.com.au/world/syrian-opposition-frays-as-disillusion-and-exhaustion-take-hold-20131129-2yh36.html#ixzz2mAl8XnQt ) . 

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