Category Archives: privacy

273. What Is Going On Here?

Because they are mega-every­thing, states like China and the USA become test par­a­digms for what can go right and wrong in man­ag­ing humans. Con­sider these:  1) The US has the world’s largest and most sophis­ti­cated assem­bly of spy­ing orga­ni­za­tions. They col­lect … Con­tinue read­ing

Posted in culture, evidence, human nature, knowledge, power, privacy, psychology, technology, values, wisdom | Leave a comment

271. Security & the Neo-feudalists – One Dimensional Chess

A few cen­turies ago Europe was dot­ted with castle fortresses, sur­rounded by sup­pos­edly impreg­nable stone walls and moats of water. Bar­ri­caded in these castles were lords and ladies, suck­ing the life out of the peas­ant farms around them, and blow­ing … Con­tinue read­ing

Posted in human nature, life, power, privacy, skulduggery, technology, values, wisdom | Leave a comment

266. Pity your neighbour’s cat

The most cer­tain qual­ity of power is that those who seek it will mis­use it. A sec­ond cer­tainty is that an army of zom­bies will eagerly imi­tate their lead­ers. And so it is with “cyber war­fare”. Gov­ern­ment lead­ers rou­tinely spy … Con­tinue read­ing

Posted in culture, human nature, life, power, privacy, psychology, skulduggery, values, wisdom | Leave a comment