253. The Magic Law of Thirty

Thirty is a magic num­ber. By 30 Alexan­der the Great was mas­ter of his known uni­verse; (but dead at 33, dummy). So we are sup­posed to be mas­ter of what­ever we are going to be at 30. Well, at least of our bod­ies. Isn’t a woman forever an old maid if she hasn’t bagged her man by 30? A man? Sigh, I had hardly even found an ambi­tion by 30. But I had learned how to do 30 push-ups, not such a small thing, and later 300 body presses in sets of 30 before get­ting out of bed every day. That kept me alive to 60, when you find out about pain in unex­pected places. There­fore – my dis­cov­ery and gift to the world is …  the magic spell of 30 to ban­ish pain. Here’s how to use it. When­ever the pain trolls creep out of dark places – a lit­tle toe, a sore shoul­der, an aching back – exper­i­ment, press and poke, find the mus­cle angle that brings it on. When you have it, gen­tly rock in and out 30 times, stretch­ing a lit­tle. Abra­cadabra. The pain has gone. You have joined the immor­tals. Hey, it works.  Bet­ter to be me than Alexan­der.

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