The salesman and the teacher share much in method and immediate purpose. Both wish to move other human beings to decisive action, and in that quest they engage the target’s motivation. Each however is driven by a different personal need, and transmits quite different outcomes. The salesman is (at bottom) driven by greed, and seeks to exploit weakness. To achieve success, he encourages desire, or even lust in the buyer. The long term outcome of the resulting “consumer culture” – a cultivated culture of greed, desire and quick gratification – is a widespread feeling of emptiness and discontent. Lust is never satisfied. The teacher (that is a teacher by nature rather than mere title) is driven by benevolence, and seeks to optimise the potentials of his students. To achieve success, he cultivates curiousity, inquiry and diligence in the learner. The long term outcome of the resulting culture of learning is lifelong personal growth, a pleasure in sharing and helping, and a strong value in doing things well. Benevolence often, perhaps usually, loses to greed. Why? Greed is urgent, the gratification of hot desire is a quick burn, and never mind the quick burnout to follow. Benificence is merely warm and enduring.
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